Poisson continental

Poisson continental is a fishing enterprise managed by Mr. Anis Ghrissi in Cap Bon, the northeast of Tunisia. The manager is a young entrepreneur, graduated from the Higher Institute for Fisheries and Aquaculture in 2007. He participated in several trainings to set up his own project. Nevertheless, due to the irregularity of fishing activity and to the biological rest, his income is very limited.This was the main reason he decided to start a new business where he can earn extra income. After market and needs analysis, in the beginning of this year 2022, Mr. Ghrissi decided to develop a unit of seafood processing in the same area of his fishing enterprise. Its activity consists in cleaning seafood products and selling them frozen. Currently, he is selling his products to restaurants by preparing packages depending on the recipe and on the menu : a one person package for pasta, a one person package for grilled seafood, a one person package for Ojja…Mr. Ghrissi needs knowledge on seafood processing, packaging, labelling and marketing.

AddressBarrage Lahjar Kélibia NabeulPhone0021620550499 / 0021652495499Emailpoisson.continental@gmail.comActivitiesFishingFacebookanis.annous.148


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Poisson continental

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